Blon-03 Re-Colouring & Sound Mod Earphone Modding June 14, 2022The famous Blon-03s. You know the story. In a nutshell, the most suggested budget IEM for beginners in the community....
Sony MH1c Mod by ARN Earphone Modding June 9, 2022If I am not mistaken these came to market under the Sony Ericsson brand at the beginning of the 2010s...
Yamaha EPH-100 mod by ARN Earphone Modding June 2, 2022I bought the Yamaha EPH-100 about 2 years ago and wanted to mod it after I saw the Yamaha EPH-200...
Whizzer BS1 Mmcx Mod Earphone Modding May 14, 2022“I liked the BS1 so much that I will mod it with an mmcx connector soon so it can take...
Moondrop Chu Mmcx Mod By ARN Earphone Modding May 9, 2022The idea came to my mind when I first saw the Moondrop Chu. I was already thinking of modding my...