
LeEco Le 2 x620 / x620 Pro / x625 /x626 Pro Unbrick Guide : Update – Baseband and imei repair

LeEco Le 2 x620 / x620 Pro / x625 /x626 Pro Unbrick Guide : Update – Baseband and imei repair

Here we are again, for another unbrick/rescue mission.

This time we will unbrick our LeEco Le 2 x620 / x620 Pro / x625 Pro series from so-called “Red light” brick. If you flash a wrong ROM using TWRP, your phone will have no sign of life, only a blinking red light when you plug USB cable and some Mediatek ports under your device manager (if you have drivers installed).

It was much easier for old MediaTek series like x600 or x500 from LeEco to flash an SP Flash tool ROM, but after Helio X20, things changed — there is secure boot protection and we can’t just flash like a regular MediaTek SP tool ROM. We need different “download agents” and a certain authentication file to bypass this protection. This guide works for both unlocked and YES for locked bootloaders. And there is a Youtube video that you can watch if reading can be confused sometimes, this is a tricky guide, but the only complete guide that will answer all your questions.

And there is a Youtube video that you can watch if reading can be confusing sometimes, as this is a tricky guide, but the only complete guide that will answer all your questions. There are less pictures in this guide, but the video shows every step, guide is written in the same timeline as the Youtube video.

Downloads: Flash tool , Rescue Rom

Let’s start.

Double click “flash_tool.exe” inside the x620_flash_tool folder. Choose “MT6797_Android_scatter.txt” in the ROM folder LeEco_x620_SP_Rom if you see an error, if you don’t, do it as the first step by clicking “Scatter-loading” tab right of the window. Next, click “Download Agent” above and choose “DA_PL_HIGH.bin” from “secureboot” folder in the flash tool program folder. Press CTRL + Alt + S to open “Authentication File” section in flash tool and browse to secureboot folder again and select “auth_sv5_letv.auth” file. Untick “recovery” and “boot” images from the list and make sure you have “Download only” selected. If you try to flash recovery and boot partitions too you will see an error like this:



Make sure your phone is completely off. Press “Download” (green arrow looking down), then just plug the USB cable without pressing any other button on the phone.




A new device will be found under device manager, use this driver to setup manually MediaTek Preloader VCOM USB port by selecting the inf file inside the driver folder.

1 high bin


Flashing will start like in the picture, if not, ignore any error, unplug the USB cable, press download again (green arrow looking down) and plug back USB cable in.

Wait until flashing is done, you will see a green “OK” sign showing its done.



Now, unplug the phone from PC. Next, we will flash recovery and boot partitions individually. We need to change download agent from DA_PL_HIGH.bin to DA_BR.bin as the first step here. Again, they are in the “secureboot” folder inside the SP flash tool program folder. Press “CTRL + Alt + V” to open “Write Memory” tab under “Window” menu above.

After you select “Write Memory” a new tab will come up looking like this:

write memory


We will flash boot image first, (the pictures are for recovery image flashing, don’t get confused, both will be flashed same way, only files and hex values be different) from “File Path” browse to the ROM folder and select “boot-verified.img” file.

Change the value in the “Begin Adress (HEX)” to “0xf900000” (copy paste from here), leave “Region” as “EMMC_USER”. Click “Write Memory” above (phone is unplugged and off).

Now this step is important: Press Volume + button on your Le 2 and plug in the USB cable, keep pressing Volume + button until flashing is done.

Keeping Volume + button constantly will open our desired MediaTek Preloader VCOM USB port, if you don’t, MediaTek USB port will open and flashing will give an error, if you keep pressing Volume + this will trigger Preloader port to open.

Look at the pictures to see port name.


write memory ok

From “File Path” browse to the ROM folder and select “recovery_stock_works _after_brick.img” file. Change the value in the “Begin Adress (HEX)” to “0x8000” this time (copy paste from here), leave “Region” as “EMMC_USER“. Rest will be the same as is described above.

Press Volume + button on your Le 2 and plug in the USB cable while phone is off, keep pressing Volume + button until flashing is done.

That’s it, now it’s time to power on our bricked Le 2 phone. Next guide will be Baseband and imei fix if you had lost them during brick.


Baseband and imei repair :

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Aviad Yarkoni
6 years ago

When I connect my phone to the computer,under device manager the phone reconnect every second and switches from port 9 to 10 in a loop.
What can I do?

kahlil catangay
6 years ago

Hi Iwant to ask what to do after doing all of this and the letters are upside down and mirrored look. THANK YOU

Carl Vindevogel
6 years ago

strange language , i cant read this , is this turkish , please help me , all ready two years i trying by this tutorial but Le2 X25 would not wake up from the red light Brick , nothing apear as in the picture no reaction from the sp Flash tool

Duryab Ali Aarifeen
6 years ago

Mobile : LeEco le x620
Reason of Bricked :Flashing Twrp gone wrong
sir when i start Sp flash tool the red bar goes 100% and then the error pops up like saying :brom error s_brom_cmd_startcmd_fail (0xc0060003)
here is the link of Screen shot :http://prntscr.com/kca26o
Plz contact me ASAP

Radu Ilie
6 years ago

Later update…the OS still not booting.
I tried to apply again twrp (multiple versions)
WHen pressing vol+ and power, it keeps connect/disconnect from USB – no twrp.
If press vol- and power, if gets the recovery prompt, and that’s it.

Any suggestions guys?

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

Any idea how to flash a newer version? cannot start android OS to do the update, nor the TWRP to flash it from there.
Can this be flashed via adb fastboot?

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

I have access to bootloader via fastboot mode. I am downloading right now a stock firmware… and search on the web on how to apply the zip/rar file.
Thank you !

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

Le eco doesnt have a micro sd slot…so I don’t know how to copy a zip..

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

I remembered that I copied a zip of LineageOS

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Radu Ilie
6 years ago

Flashed TWRP, copied files with push, but cannot install roms…
“error installing zip file/sdcard/lineage14 , or even stock rom.

Any ideas?

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

le2 X620.
Tried again with le x6 stock rom , installed it, bot is not booting it

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

I tried now FULL_X6-CN-FN-HEXCNFN5801708221S-5.8.017S.zip but still not booting.

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

Now I’m flashing the Leshi_X620_6.0_FASTBOOT_20170421.rar. hope will work.
If you have any advice, I will follow it

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

Sorry for spamming you..
I lost the twrp again, and can’t get it back.

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

Followed again all steps from this procedure.
Gained back the twrp. But it doesnt load the OS.
Is stuck on ANDROID

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

Thank you for your fast response.
I tried to copy the zip, but it say that there is no enough disk space..
It seems that I copied over and over roms into /SDCARD/, after flashings, the zips dissapeared, but from 12GB free disk space, twrp only shows 778 MB…

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

I did a format from the above tool – auto format.
than I flashed according to top procedure. And it worked. It loaded 6.0 android os 🙂
Thanks man. Much appreciated.
Now I need to fix the GSM

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

I tried it, but it cannot download any IMEI …

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

error: NVRAM database file is inconsistent with target load. and gives me the firmware and softare, something with moly

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

Tried to find that file with twrp – /system/etc/mddb/, but it doesnt exists. So I can’t find that BPLGUInfoCustom with IMEI..
If I flash another rom, will the imei work?

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

I will go nuts :))
I installed twrp so I can search that file, and now the OS is not loading again..I have orange state…omg.
I think I’ll buy another… 🙁

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Radu Ilie
6 years ago

Succeeded to install the italian mod, and the baseband is working. Can call.
Google is not working but will try installing gapps.

Thanks man!

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Radu Ilie
6 years ago

Other google play apps are working now. But not google play store 🙂

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
6 years ago

Yes, I did flash the gapps 6.0 x86 aroma – full .. still not starting. searching for solutions 🙂 Going to delete hosts from etc

Radu Ilie
6 years ago

This is a life saver.
It was stuck in a loop, showing nothing on screen.
Now after following the procedures, it boots, but it blocks at android.
I will take the steps again, maybe I’ve done something wrong, or I should wait a bit more(Already 10 minutes)

However, I got a step fw. THANK YOU !!!!

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Radu Ilie
6 years ago

Hello again,

I never succeeded to write the IMEI. Maui worked, said uploaded, but it was still blank when checking.
So after many roms, I decided to format it again, and try your tutorial.
I went to format whole flash (inlcuding bootloader)

Now when I connect it to the PC, i only get in device manager the Mediatek USB, not the VCOM like I used to.

I cannot do anything at this moment(i am getting an error status brom cmd startcmd fail.
If it’s possible, it would be much appreciated a hint.

Thank you!

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Radu Ilie
6 years ago

Worked with DR_BIN instead of HIGH PL.
Regarding the IMEI, do you have any idea?
Even if it’s uploaded with maui, in os at 06# said blank

Radu Ilie
Reply to  Radu Ilie
6 years ago

For other that have the problem:
I found an official ROM (FULL_S2_PLUS_S2_PLUS-CN-FN-HEXCNFN5902606141S-5.9.026S.zip)
Patched via stock recovery, by copying the zip as update.zip. Didn’t worked via twrp.
After using the official recovery, used maui and worked.

ty all and good luck with yours.

Murat Akdogan
7 years ago

Hocam merhabalar x620 telefonuma rom yükleme sırasında bilmedğim bir sebepten briğck oldu power tuşuna baştığımda logo gelip kendini kapatıyor. Recovery açmaya çalıştığımda ise aynı recovery logosu geliyor ama recovery açılmıyor flash tool kullanarak rom kurmak istesem pc ye taktığımda şarj logosu geliyor ama pcde bir port birşey görünmüyor yapabilirseniz eğer size yollamak isterim.

Víctor Rodríguez
7 years ago

Thanks for the tutorial, I followed all the steps and I managed to revive my Leeco Le2 X620, but I follow the procedure to recover the baseband and the IMEI and it does not work. My phone’s camera does not work either.
Please help me with these problems.

Oguzhan Sazak
7 years ago

Hi. Thx for this great post. I successfully unbricked my phone second time with this post. Just a note: My Phone was in boot loop, using DA_BR did n ot work at write memory stage. I used DA_PL_HIGH at write memory stages and it worked like a charm! Thanks.

FOr devices in boot loop, it may be hard to connect to device. It disconnects regularly. Holding power button until application detects and starts communication helped me.

7 years ago

Excuse me. I followed the procedure but stucked at the first step when trying to download with an error report saying “……SEND DA FAIL”. And the processing shows DOWNLOAD DA in red colour and the process is 100%. I tried many times with 3 of my laptops and even reinstall the Operatinf system for 5 times. but, still the same. Any help? Any hope?
and for sure i install the correct drivers(the preload vcom one)

7 years ago

Excuse me. I followed the procedure but stucked at the first step when trying to download with an error report saying “……SEND DA FAIL”. And the processing shows DOWNLOAD DA in red colour and the process is 100%. I tried many times with 3 of my laptops and even reinstall the Operatinf system for 5 times. but, still the same. Any help? Any hope?

Lucio Labianco
7 years ago

Hi, i have a bricked x620, no power up, red light fixed when connected but i have a problem, the usb connection keeps connecting and disconnecting every few seconds. The usb appears in device manager but then it disappears and then connects again, any help there?

Lucio Labianco
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
7 years ago

basically it kept disconnecting the usb, but now i did something wrong and when i connect it it just loads a driver called lmediatek DA USB VCOM (Android) and sits there, no interaction with SP Flash tool, i tried many ways of getting it to load the preloader driver but nothing (ie connect with vol + pressed etc) help please!

Lucio Labianco
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
7 years ago

can we tralk in a faster chat 🙂

Lucio Labianco
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
7 years ago

can i send it to you, i pay you to unbrick it:)

Lucio Labianco
Reply to  Ustabas Osman
7 years ago

actually i managed to go trough the proicess, all OK, but now phone is red state, and when i connect it it just makes 3 connection sounds on pc and nop drivers showing, i cant even try again.

Tamas Fodor
7 years ago

Okay it worked but with only the ” 0xF900000″ looks like don`t like the small letter “f”.

Tamas Fodor
7 years ago

Hi, I have the Le ECo LE 2 X 620 and followed all steps and succeed as well. But still not booting up! I see the red state mode. I formatted with out bootloader of course and followed all steps again , but no luck. The phone does not boot.

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