- Private use only.
- Need a Tidal-HIFI subscription.
- You should not use this method to distribute or pirate music.
- It may be illegal to use this in your country, so be informed.
On the new version of Tidal-Gui, you get a device code on the first run. After you click login Tidal web page opens to login. After you log in, you have to put that code on Tidal to link your device once.
UPDATE: Download the latest version, login problems are solved.
And the GUI also has changed
And you don’t have to choose the file format in audio, the app downloads MQA or Hi-Fi as it is. Rest is the same principle.
I wake up in the morning, ok sometimes noon, turn on my PC which is connected to my home stereo system, start playing music, and then go to wash my face and make my morning tea. I am one of those who just can’t live without music, my only true medicine.
But I am not from one of those who archive their music albums. I use streaming services since the quality got better lately. Used Spotify premium for years, then I switched to Tidal chasing the best quality in streaming music. Now I am a fan of MQA – Master. I am very satisfied with its sound quality.
Using ADSL2 at home, streaming is not a problem, I enjoy listening to MQA tracks without any problem. But when I’m outside, not having a mobile data plan for high-quality streaming, I needed to somehow download tracks to my phone and be able to listen to them offline. In a rather easy way of course. I know you can find many albums in FLAC format online for download, but I am a lazy guy when it comes to that. Searching for an album or track in Tidal is much easier, and we have a way to download them too, thanks to a program called “Tidal Media Downloader”, Tidal-GUI in our guide.
Before we begin, you need to have a Tidal Hi-Fi subscription to be able to use this program.

Copy the tracks you want to listen to on your phone. For your info, the only way to listen to MQA tracks on Android is to use the app called UAPP (plus an MQA USB DAC of course), you can download it from Google Playstore.

Here is my subreddit page if you want to browse some MQA Albums from every genre, growing day to day. You can share your favorite albums there too.