Simgot SuperMix 4 Review

Simgot SuperMix 4 Review

Simgot SuperMix 4 Review – Simgot’s Best-Sounding IEM So Far!

SIMGOT’s new hybrid IEM the SuperMix 4 features a unique combination of four different driver types. 1 dynamic driver (DD), 1 balanced armature (BA) driver, 1 micro planar magnetic driver, and 1 piezoelectric (PZT) transducer. This sophisticated setup allows for precise control of sound across all frequencies.

Simgot SuperMix 4 Review

The SuperMix 4 IEMs feature a 10mm dynamic driver. It is designed with a high-elastic suspension system and a long-stroke design, featuring a custom high-polymer nano-diaphragm. Extensive testing and simulations led to a powerful magnetic circuit system that produces strong, natural bass. This driver integrates seamlessly with the other drivers to provide a cohesive and rich listening experience.

10mm dynamic driver – large balanced armature driver

The large balanced armature (BA) driver in the SuperMix 4 IEM earphone delivers full, natural-sounding mids and highs. Unlike smaller BA drivers, which can sound thin or artificial, this larger driver captures subtle details like breath and articulation, making vocals sound realistic and deeply expressive.

Micro planar magnetic driver – PZT driver

The micro planar magnetic driver in the SuperMix 4 IEM handles high frequencies with low distortion and wide bandwidth, offering rich detail and a natural sound. It’s easier to drive than electrostatic drivers and enhances high-frequency details effortlessly. The PZT piezoelectric transducer extends the high and ultra-high frequencies, reducing mechanical noise and adding a sense of airiness and resolution to the sound.

Simgot SuperMix 4 Review

The SuperMix 4 in-ear monitor uses advanced tuning techniques and an RC four-way crossover, which minimizes phase inconsistencies and distortion, ensuring smooth frequency response. The 3D-printed resin housings and CNC-machined metal parts provide separate acoustic paths for each driver, allowing for precise sound control. This precise design results in a balanced, natural sound suitable for both Hi-Fi enthusiasts and professional musicians.

Simgot SuperMix 4 Review

The SuperMix 4 features a sleek design with a black translucent resin shell and a matte metal faceplate. Its ergonomic shape, based on extensive ear data, ensures a comfortable and secure fit.

Simgot SuperMix 4 Review

It comes with a high-quality, detachable 0.78mm 2-pin oxygen-free copper silver-plated cable. The durable, lightweight cable ensures long-lasting performance.



  • Driver Configuration: 1 DD+1 BA+1 Planar +1 PZT
  • Frequency Response: 8Hz-40kHz
  • Impedance: 7.2Ω±15% (@1kHz)
  • Sensitivity: 120dB/Vrms (@1kHz)
  • Effective Frequency Response: 20Hz-20kHz
  • Connectors: 2-pin 0.78mm
  • Cable: Oxygen-Free Copper Silver-Plated Cable
  • Shell Material: Resin 3D Printing
  • Termination Plug: 3.5mm
  • Price: $149

I want to thank SIMGOT for providing me with the review sample of the SuperMix 4.


Simgot SuperMix 4 Review FR Graph

SuperMix 4’s standout feature is likely the Harman Curve tuning. In essence, the Harman Curve is a well-established tuning intended to provide an enjoyable sound experience for the majority of individuals, backed by thorough research and testing. While everyone’s hearing capabilities and preferences may vary slightly, the Harman Curve is generally expected to offer universally pleasing sound. Making it well-suited for mainstream music genres and listening preferences.

Simgot SuperMix 4 Review

I liked the SuperMix 4’s sound a lot, it sounds “just about right”.


The Simgot SuperMix 4 has an elevated, impactful, and full-bodied bass reproduction. The sub-bass is slightly more prominent than the rest of the bass range, however, the bass feels abundant altogether. The textured, powerful bass contributes to the fun factor of the IEM. It’s tuned in a way (Harman 2019 curve v2) to prevent the bass from bleeding into the lower midsection.

The detail level is also good. The SuperMix 4 performs well in this regard, the bass is controlled, very powerful, and quite exciting to listen to.

Simgot SuperMix 4 Review


The midrange has a natural and realistic feeling, and vocals and most instruments sound accurate. The SuperMix 4 isn’t particularly thick or warm, but they always sound correct, with good transparency and resolution.

The transition from upper bass to lower midrange is smooth. Despite the slightly recessed upper bass, this transition is one of the smoothest in  IEMs at this price range. The lower to middle midrange has a neutral amount of body and is neither tilted toward thick nor thin. As a result, while some male vocals may lack a bit of body and power, the SuperMix 4 provides good vocal clarity. For the upper midrange, the SuperMix 4 again shows some great control. It has a calm upper midrange.

Simgot SuperMix 4 Review


The transition from upper midrange to lower treble is impressively coherent. There aren’t any signs of sibilance or sharpness in this region and the Simgot SuperMix 4 is very clean up top and non-fatiguing. The treble has a nice balance of lightness and detail. It’s light and airy, with good extension that allows it to shine in the higher frequency ranges. It’s also detailed and precise.

The mid-treble shows a good amount of sparkle, and this allows instruments such as piccolos and crash cymbals to sound “correct”. The treble extension is quite good and is on par with the best performers in this price range. The Simgot SuperMix 4 extends way up to the upper treble and remains smooth and silky sounding.

Simgot SuperMix 4 Review

Technical performance

The sound stage is one of the strongest parts of the Simgot SuperMix 4 without a doubt. Especially in terms of width. Separation-wise things are very good, you get excellent stereo imaging and positioning with very good sharpness and focus. The SuperMix 4 is good on details, and also very good in terms of overall resolution and transparency. It has great micro detail ability and realistic timbre too.

Simgot SuperMix 4 Review


Simgot SuperMix 4 vs EM6L

Comparing the SuperMix 4 with Simgot’s 1DD+4BA model the EM6L we immediately see the difference in the mid bass and lower midrange sections. The EM6L has more mid-bass emphasis which makes it a warmer set compared to SuperMix 4 but this makes the SuperMix 4 also sound cleaner on the mids which I always prefer. Which I found more “right” when it comes to the separation of the lows from the mids in general, meaning lows don’t overpower the mids.

Simgot SuperMix 4 vs EA1000

Comparing the bigger brother EA1000 to the SuperMix 4 is like comparing Simgot’s in-house tuning to the Harman tuning. The SuperMix 4 has around 5dB elevation on the sub-bass region which makes it a bassier IEM compared to the EA1000. The EA1000 also sounds brighter compared to the SuperMix 4. So between these two, it depends on your taste which one to choose. I like the cleaner-sounding mids more, to be honest. So my vote is for the SuperMix 4.

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For my ears, the SuperMix 4 is the Simgot’s best-sounding IEM so far, thanks to its mature and natural tuning. A clear and balanced sound with powerful bass delivers a captivating listening experience. This IEM became my daily driver for everything like listening to music, watching videos, and even gaming. The SuperMix 4 suits all these tasks very well, a great all-rounder in a great package and price.